Wheel Reconditioning: For Better Performing, Better Looking Wheels

Your wheels take a ton of abuse no matter how well you drive. Nature alone can inflict its own damage through the accumulation of rust and debris. This contamination can cause cracks and distortions in rims, which decrease wheel performance and reliability. These defects aren’t just unsightly, they also jeopardize safety. If you notice the presence of rust on the surface, between the bead seat areas, or around the bolt hole areas of your wheels, then they may be good candidates for reconditioning.

Wheel reconditioning is a process to restore your wheels so that they appear and perform as if they were fresh off the assembly line. At Bauer Built, our wheel reconditioning service can help extend the life of your rims. Our expert technicians employ a shot blasting technique to strip away harmful rust, contaminants, dirt, grime, grease, and paint so that all that remains is bare metal. We then give the wheels a professional finish so they look great and deliver better reliability. Reconditioned wheels enables easier maintenance, improves air retention, minimizes bead damage, and offers a longer useful service life to save you money.

With over 70 years of providing vehicles with superior tires and repair services, no one knows wheels quite like us. Our wheel reconditioning helps you ensure compliance with OSHA’s truck wheel and rim cleaning service regulations. If you’d like to learn more about this or our other services and products, click here to connect with a Bauer Built professional.

Categories: Bauer Built Blog, Tire Care Tips