What Are the Main Causes of Truck Accidents in the Winter?

The U.S. Department of Transportation uncovered a disturbing statistic. According to data gathered by its Road Weather Management Program, nearly a quarter of all weather-caused vehicle crashes happen on snow-covered pavements. Also, the same data highlights that roughly 15% of all weather-related road accidents happen during snowfall. In total, nearly 30% of all roadside accidents happen in the winter every year. 

The data paints a startling picture of how dangerous the roads are for trucks and other vehicles. With truck accidents spiking in the winter, you need to prepare your trucks for the dangers of the road once the snow falls. 

Why do truck accidents occur mainly during the winter? We answer this question below.  Learn more about the most common causes of truck accidents in the winter. Also, read to the end to find out how you can easily protect your truck or fleet from winter truck accidents.

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Snow and Ice

The first cause of winter truck accidents is snow and ice accumulation on the road. Snow and ice can create a slippery layer on the concrete and Tarmac. The resulting surface can become very slippery as the winter months progress that regular tires won’t provide much traction. As a result, trucks can skid violently, especially on highways or roads with sharp curves. 

When a truck slides on the road, drivers will instinctively steer to protect their trucks and themselves. This results in impact on the sides of the truck. 

Because of where the impact occurred, drivers can sustain injuries that you won’t find in a head-on collision. In particular, truck drivers can sustain fractured ribs and potentially debilitating shoulder injuries.   

Low Visibility

The winter months can bring about a lack of visibility on roads that is hazardous to truck drivers and other motorists. When visibility is low, drivers can crash into other vehicles, buildings, objects, and — worse yet — pedestrians. 

Truck drivers have little to no protection during crashes from low visibility. All that stands between drivers and full-on head trauma is the seatbelt. For this reason, drivers can sustain whiplash injuries when they crash unsuspectedly. 

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Unforeseen Debris

With visibility at an all-time low during the winter, truck drivers can also skid hazardously due to debris on the road. Roadside debris presents an additional threat to drivers. Debris like rocks and other objects can cause trucks to crash into other vehicles. 

At their worst, debris-related accidents involve trucks flipping over. In these scenarios, truck drivers sustain multiple injuries to the shoulders, head, and soft tissue. 

Strong Winds

Winter winds can do one of two things that lead to truck accidents. First, winds can blow debris onto the road or into a truck’s windshield. As a result, trucks can skid or flip over, injuring drivers inside. 

Depending on the truck’s dimensions, winds can also blow trucks on their sides. All the same, drivers can sustain shoulder injuries and head trauma as trucks flip violently on roads. 

Protect Yourself and Your Fleet with High-Traction Tires

High-traction specialty tires keep your trucks on the road and your drivers safe. 

Prepare your truck and your fleet from truck accidents this winter. Reach out for specialty tires built for your trucks and for the winter.

Categories: Bauer Built Blog